Me, my wife, and two of our three children attended the Women’s March in Olympia. Our wonderful oldest marched in Bellingham.
Here are my political priorities that I am currently figuring out how to support and fight for.
- Freedom of the press, speech, religion and to peaceably assemble as guaranteed by the First Amendment of the Constitution.
- Education has made the United States a great country. We must continue to support public education and the social advancement that it offers to all our people.
- Healthcare is a human right. No person should die or live in poverty because of their inability to pay for healthcare. I don’t believe the ACA is perfect, but I want to see changes rather than dismantlingImagine being the person in charge of telling people that they are not rich enough to live.
- We have a changing world climate. How do we know? Because science tells us so! Let’s work on figuring out how to make the changes that we need to do to protect the human race. The planet will be fine and so will the cockroaches, but humans are going to have problems if we don’t work on things.
Check out some images!